
terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2020


"Oi... Quer tomar sorvete?"

Bom dia, chorões!
Bom dia, choronas!
Bom dia, choronxs, para quem não se identifica com nenhum gênero!
O post de hoje é sobre uma criatura do folclore estadunidense: o Squonk.

"Tô tisti..."

Ain, que issu?
é uma criatura que, segundo a lenda, habita as florestas de coníferas no norte da Pensilvânia. Coníferas: árvores de Natal, ok?

Ali óh! Perto de NIL IORQUI!

Os relatos surgiram no final do século XIX, quando a região estava no auge da exploração madeireira. Muita gente transitando na floresta, tomando uma breja, álcool no sangue, delírios, sabem como é...
A primeira história escrita vem de um livro do autor William T. Cox, chamado "Temíveis Criaturas dos Bosques Madeireiros, com algumas Bestas dos Desertos e das Montanhas" (tradução livre e ao pé da letra).

O tal livro

Os relatos descrevem o Squonk como uma criatura muito feia, deformada, com uma pele coberta por verrugas e asquerosa. Por vergonha da aparência, a criatura vive escondida e passa boa parte do tempo chorando. Quando se sente ameaçada, ela se dissolve nas próprias lágrimas. E você aí, achando que era o rei do drama, hein?

Tão sentimental quanto um canceriano...

O Squonk gosta de viajar ao entardecer, quando o Sol se põe. Sua trajetória é mais lenta em noites de Lua cheia, pois precisa se esconder da claridade do luar, para que ninguém veja sua aparência.

"Se eu for ligeiro, ninguém verá que não penteei os cabelos..."

Há boatos de que a aparência do Squonk nunca mudou desde os primeiros relatos. O que é estranho, pois as imagens variam entre si numa busca no tio Google.

Vejam bem...

Caçadores e lenhadores da região alegam já ter tentado capturá-la, seguindo o rastro de lágrimas, mas ela sempre escapava, dissolvida nas poças lacrimais. Um homem chamado J.T. Wentling relatou ter conseguido colocar um Squonk na bolsa, mas no meio do caminho para casa, percebeu que a bolsa ficou mais leve... e molhada. A criatura escafedeu-se, não sem antes chorar muito, encharcando a mochila.

Parece verídico...

A criatura possui até nome "científico": Lacrimacorpus dissolvens que significa "corpo que dissolve em lágrimas". Poético.

Com florzinha tudo fica mais bonitinho!

A título de curiosidade, algumas substâncias químicas instáveis desaparecem/dissipam/somem/puf se tentarmos isolá-las. Elas foram batizadas de squonks químicos, em homenagem à criatura. :)

No final, ele só queria um amigo... Que dó... Choraste?

2 comentários:

  1. It's crazy that living a hard time right now I have found an article about Squonk. Nonetheless, I have to tell you the true story behind the Squonk. The truth is that Squonk is not a monster, but a human though. I had discovered about that when I was younger, and that time I was having a harsh time. I had so much anger, loneliness and sadness, so I went through therapy. There I have learned what Squonk really is: they are people who are depressed, who are so cloistered in sadness, that they even dissolve in the cries of their hurt; they think they are ugly because the things they went through in their past. That time, I've always pushed away people who really care about me. I've always thought I was persecuted. Also, I considered myself a very intelligent and clever person, so I always refused people help, thinking that I can take care of myself without anyone and didn't need somebody to tell me what I have to do; because I was more intelligent than everyone, who could be better than me? I have learned that I created excuses inside my head and miraculous stories to live alone. Whenever someone was getting closer to me I had created lies (for me they were the truth) to push them alway. It is funny, because I created lies to make friendships; also I tried to make friendship where it is not supposed to, like forums, blogs, even tinder. Now I will tell you how I've dealt with this. At the first moment I was really reluctant with therapy. However I was convicted that I could be happy like everyone else. Then, I have learned that I'd carried the burden of my past too long, I couldn't forgive what happened to me in that time. This meant that I couldn't forgive myself, that's the answer. But how could I forgive my aggressors, people who assault my integrity, absolve my past? It took me a long time for me to doing that, but I can tell you it was worth it. At first I have started saying sorry to those who did not deserve the things I have told which hurt them, people who only tried to stick with me and support me. Like Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote: “You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”. To conclude, Squonks are, in matter of fact, beautiful people. Don't let the anger dominate your life.

    Torvi Babrit

    1. Hi Torvi! How are you?
      When I researched about Squonk, I found very little information, perhaps because this creature does not belong to Brazilian imagination. Thank you for your report and your observation about depression. Interesting analysis and comparison of the creature with the disease. I have also suffered from depression and, indeed, we are similar to Squonk. In addition to therapy and medication, writing on this blog helped me a lot, so I use humor to talk about curiosities. Again I thank you for your visit and I am happy that you are better!
